Guiltless Rest

2015-08-16 23.33.32It’s MONDAY, Marvelous Monday. The day I’ve decided to post a new blog that will hopefully encourage, empower, motivate…something. But today, on this Marvelous Monday, I’m taking a day to rest. I’ve been going nonstop for the past couple of weeks with a lot of exciting things for which I am extremely hopeful and thankful. And I am also well, I’m…. tired.

I have nothing deep to share. I have nothing encouraging to share. I have nothing to pour out. Why? Because I haven’t rested. I haven’t taken the time to make sure I’m replenished so that I can give my best. Give my best to myself, my business, my family, my friends, and to the young people I serve. I’m taking the advice of wise grandma’s everywhere (because I’m sure every single one of them has said it), “Make sure you get your rest before you are forced to rest!”

In other words, if you don’t sit yourself down, you will be sat down. I’m a witness! A cold will come out of nowhere, a sore throat will catch you off guard, the bag under the eyes will be more prominent, you will snap at the salesperson in Macy’s for no reason and the weight you thought you lost will just show up, again (I may or may not have experienced every single one of these examples).

So, today, I will rest. I will take some time to take care of me and I will not feel guilty about it. I encourage you, if you haven’t done so in a while, take a day for you. At least one day. Rest. No “to-do” list, no work calls, no work emails, no work. Read blogs you enjoy (my favorite), take phone calls where you know you will laugh out loud, watch hilarious television where you don’t have to think (one of my favorites) and eat whatever you want! Oh and one of my favorite things to do on rest days, take a nap. Naps….oooh, remember those? They’re amazing and extremely beneficial!

Now, I understand everyone won’t have this luxury of a rest day. I can already hear some folks challenging my idea. But rest shouldn’t be a luxury, right? Diamonds are luxurious, rest is necessary. We need it, I need it, and yes, you need it. I say this with love for humankind and for all salespeople everywhere, take some time to rest.

Until next time, take care of you and have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. When will you rest? You may have to plan it.
  2. What will it take for you to get the well-deserved rest that you need?

Feel free to comment below or email Shanterra

  1 comment for “Guiltless Rest

  1. zakiyyah
    August 20, 2015 at 10:32 am

    You are Awesome! Love reading your blog Sissy!

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