YAY! Registration is OPEN!

MGS2017 (1)

Created for girls in grades 6th – 8th grades, this summit will bring girls from different backgrounds, experiences, and communities together to connect in small groups over the one thing we all have in common: BEING A MARVELOUS GIRL!

Girls will learn about the importance and ways to have “perfect” friendships; rejoice and celebrate loving her body as it is (she will love the jiggle talk); see current fashion trends in the form of a real fashion show and take away tips on how to make the trends work for her and she’ll do all of this while having a lot of fun!

There is even a special workshop for you, the adult woman in her life, who can join us after lunch to learn more about how to raise a marvelous girl.

Speaking of special women, an extraordinary student group at SMU, Sisters Supporting Sisters, is a unique partner in designing this day. These college women will help facilitate workshops, provide mentorship and be examples of how cool it is for girls to support other girls.

Without a doubt, every girl, regardless of age, will leave the Marvelous Girls’ Summit knowing she IS a marvelous GIRL!

Don’t just take my word for it. Here is a testimonial from last year’s summit! 🙂

When: October 28, 2017

Where: SMU, Hughes-Trigg Student Center

Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Character Education Workshops:

*Building awesome friendships

*Maintaining a healthy self-image

*Choosing how fashion trends work for you

*Being! Vulnerable, Brave & Taking Risk

*Raising a Marvelous Girls (family engagement with adult women only)


*Dance breaks (Zumba anyone?)


*Team building


*Time for reflection and journaling in her Marvelous Girl workbook


Marvelous Girls’ Summit Registration includes workshop materials, t-shirt, gift bag, breakfast, lunch, snacks throughout the day AND you (her favorite adult) for the afternoon session!

Early Registration is open NOW! 

We are excited about this day and look forward to you joining us! If you have any questions, please email info@marvelousuniversity.com.

Have a MARVELOUS weekend,

PS: And if you’re not in the Dallas area but, you know this summit should come to your city, email me and let’s make it happen!

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