You Heard It Here First

Hey there!

I know, I know. It’s been a couple of weeks since you’ve heard from me but, trust, it’s been for good reason. I’ve been on the road, from New Orleans for a beautiful wedding of a sweet Cali Cousin to my old stomping ground of Washington, DC, speaking at a couple of schools connecting with young people.

In the midst of all of that, still planning and preparing for the Marvelous Girls’ Summit, which is less than a month away! Attachment-1 (2)

What is the Marvelous Girls’ Summit? It is a day for middle school girls to come together and just BE! Girls will learn how to have “perfect” friendship; rejoice and celebrate loving her body as it is (she will love the jiggle talk); see current fashion trends in the form of a real fashion show and take away tips on how to make the trends work for her and she’ll do all of this while having a lot of fun!

Registration is OPEN Attachment-1 (3)

If you haven’t registered your 6th-grader, click here.

If you haven’t registered your 7th-grader, click here.

And if you still haven’t registered your 8th-grader, click here.

Oh and I’ve received a few (well, more than a few) questions on why the summit is for middle school girls?

Do you remember middle school? 😳 Do you remember that awkward feeling of everything changing without your consent? Your friendships. Your body. The adults in your house! Well, the adults didn’t change, really you were the one changing but, it felt like it was everyone but YOU!

Middle school is complex, wonderful, and different and one topic that comes up a lot in middle school is girls and self-esteem. This REALLY helped confirm for me why the summit is crucial for this age group.

And what about you as the adult woman in her life? We didn’t forget YOU! There is a very special marvelous mom and mentor conversation just for you (don’t worry, this is included in the registration). Attachment-1 (4)

And if you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “I don’t have a middle school girl or even know a middle school girl” but, you want to sponsor a girl who cannot afford the investment. You too can register for the summit and send an email to to let us know. We will make sure your registration is given to a girl who would love to attend but, is unable to because of cost. Thank you 💕

In the next few weeks, we’ll hear from past participants on why the Marvelous Girls’ Summit had such an impact on them. In the meantime, when you think of questions, email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

With Gratitude,

PS: Share this post with your friends and family! Thank you 🙂

PPS: Make sure you’re following Marvelous University on social media.

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