Marvelous Modification (Issa Sale)

Because you are friends of Marvelous University, I wanted you to hear it here first. This weekend, we are having a Marvelous Modification for the Marvelous Girls’ Summit. In other words, we’re having a sale. Attachment-1 (5)

My teammates and I talked about it and the way we see it, so many folks are having special promotions this weekend so why not us? Mattresses are on sale, car dealerships are practically “giving away” cars, and I’m sure there’s even a sale at the mall, all in honor of an explorer.

Well, I am not a fan of Columbus Day but I am a fan of promotions and modifications, especially for a great reason. And registering your middle school girl for the 2nd Annual Marvelous Girls’ Summit is a great reason!

Issa Promotion!

How do you take advantage of this marvelous modification? You enter the discount code MMIS on the registration site and you’re good to go. That’s it! Attachment-1 (6)The promotion is only good for this weekend and expires Monday. So share the love, pass this post on to others and make sure the middle school girls that you love are at the Marvelous Girls’ Summit!

See you there 🙂


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