Marvelous 2018

Happy New Year!


Let me begin by saying, “thank you.”

Thank you for joining me on this journey to inspire young people, especially girls, to be more than what’s expected, more than what’s required, and more than what’s modeled.

Thank you for partnering with me by inviting me into your schools as a speaker, motivator, encourager and culture challenger.

Thank you for joining me by bringing your girls to the Marvelous Girls’ Summit, by registering yourself for Marvelous Moms and Mentors, by meeting on Facebook Live, by listening on DFWiRadio and by sharing an inspirational or action inspiring Facebook post, blog entry or Instagram motivation.

Thank you for your questions this year that ranged from raising your marvelous girls to partnering with your school administrators regarding bullying to getting involved in your community and how to building bridges with those who do not look like you. You also asked about talking to your girls about tough subjects, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sex.

Thank you!

Also, I am so grateful for my purpose partners, those who often believe in the vision more than me at times, for those who pray with me and encourage me, and for those who know firsthand how hard it is to coach the coach. 🙂 Thank you!image

And now, we’re in 2018, and I hope you’ll continue on this journey with me and those who partner to make Marvelous University what it is. We have big goals to achieve and we’re going to need your help!

One big goal is to share with 20,000 girls by the year 2020 that they were born to be marvelous. We women and girls need to hear this! Girls need to know this because this truth affects who they call friend and has an impact on the kind of friend they will be. It will affect what they say to their bodies and how they treat their bodies. Tired of all of the bullying videos that go viral with no resolution? Well, girls need to hear a different message and see a different messenger.

Girls knowing they were born to be marvelous will affect how they get involved in their community. It will affect how they share their gifts and talents with the world. It’s more than self-esteem, it’s knowing a fact and living out that fact! This is directly connected to their youth needs, to social-emotional learning, to their development. And it is the mission of Marvelous University.

So, whenever you see #20k2020 in any post, on Facebook, on Instagram, on Twitter or any social media outlet, know that we constantly have this on our mind.

Will you join us?

Great! Here are 5 quick ways to help us reach #20k2020:

  1. Invite me to your school, community, church, conference, seminar or anywhere people gather.
  2. Purchase Love Your Jiggle: The Girls’ Guide To Being Marvelous for every girl in your life (I hear moms, aunts, mentors and even college students love it, too).
  3. Let me partner with you as you raise your marvelous girl by having me as her coach. A coach doesn’t mean you’re not doing a good job with your preteen, teen or college-aged girl. Having a coach gives partnership. Having a coach focuses on the girl. Having a coach is proactive versus reactive. Think of how you get a piano teacher or a private tutor when she needs extra attention, to take her to the next level. The Marvelous Coaching Experience does the same thing but, impacts her whole life.
  4.  Bring the Marvelous Girls’ Summit to your city
  5. Tell others! People listen to people they know and when YOU tell them about Marvelous University, then they will listen to YOU and the impact will spread.

2015-11-24 00.11.10And when you think of other ways, DO those, too!

Another goal for 2018 is to get Love Your Jiggle: The Girl’s Guide To Being Marvelous in the hands of Oprah Winfrey. I know, I know. Every person wants Oprah to know their work but, this is different. It’s not for fame or recognition. It’s truly to impact girls lives globally.

The more I do the work, the more I look at her leadership academy and the more that I partner with girls throughout the country, the more I am convinced, her girls would love this book! I am also ready to speak at her school. We can do a workshop, a book club, consecutive seminars…it’s just time.

Speaking of time and international impact, 2018 will be the year of international exposure and I’m super excited! On my birthday in 2017, I wrote in my journal that I was ready to take Marvelous University internationally. Well, on June 27, 2018, just two days after my birthday, I will be traveling with high school girls and my good GLC sistahfriend Brook, to MOROCCO! Attachment-1 (5)

Through Girl Captain, we will take high school aged young women abroad to facilitate leadership workshops with elementary aged girls in rural villages (along with doing tons of other amazing stuff). We will love our jiggle all the way from North America to North Africa!

Interested in joining us or learning more about the experience? Check out the website for all the information you’ll need. #20k2020

So, as you can see, 2017 was pretty marvelous and I have great anticipation for 2018! Join us, partner with us and allow me to partner with you. Together we can make a difference in the lives of girls to impact our world!

I’ll close as I began, THANK YOU! May this year bring you love, intention, joy, peace, a renewed hope and marvelous moments to influence lives. Happy New Year!

With Gratitude,



How to partner with Shanterra

  1 comment for “Marvelous 2018

  1. January 1, 2018 at 7:05 pm

    This is SO wonderful Shanterra!!! Major congratulations to you

    Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.


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